Saturday, March 20, 2010

Space Race and Conclusion

Hey everyone, this is my final post for the project

In this last post, I will talk about the Space Race. Once again, the "Race" is metaphorical, and it again is between USA and USSR. This time however, it was over superior space technology, and the whole "race" was about one country having more accomplishments in exploring outer space than the other. However, the Space Race also did have a hidden agenda, which was to gain a position to oversee events and probably to spy on the other party.

'If, out in space, there is the ultimate position--from which total control of the earth may be exercised--then our national goal... must be to win and hold that position.' - Lyndon B Johnson, US politician.

For the USSR, Krushchev's reason for participating in the Space Race was because it would show the world the Soviet superiority and rid of the economical, military and political doubt of the communist system .

Now I will summarise the series of events that happened over the period of the Space Race.

  • July 29, 1957, USA announced to LAUNCH SATELLITES into space by spring of 1958

  • 2 days later, USSR announce to launch them EVEN EARLIER, by fall of 1957.

  • USSR DID AS THEY PROMISED, the Sputnik 1, the WORLD'S FIRST artificial satellite, was launched on October 4th 1957, marking the BEGINNING OF SPACE RACE.

  • Proof of COMMUNISM being EFFECTIVE, and was a "BREAKTHROUGH" for USSR, because for the FIRST TIME in the Cold War, USSR would start off AHEAD of USA rather than trying to bridge the gap. (Like the formation of Warsaw Pact after NATO and lacking behind during the Arms Race)

  • The Sputnik SUCCESSFULLY sent signals back to Earth from space, which ACCOMPLISHED the satellite mission. This gave the USSR HOPE to continue with creating satellites, and USA's was DIMINISHED. They were shocked by the success
    of USSR and realised that they were NO LONGER in the LEAD in NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY. The Americans suffered a HEAVY BLOW to their SELF-CONFIDENCE, and the USSR was definitely in the lead of the Space Race at the moment

Cartoon showing newsprint saying Russian spaceman says world looks blue, implying that it is a new discovery and that USSR was leading in the Space Race.

  • Following, the USSR proved SUPERIOR once AGAIN, by sending another satellite into space, the Sputnik 2, this time even with a dog inside as passenger.

  • 31th January 1958, USA finally started to CATCH UP, by launching their FIRST SATELLITE into orbit, the Explorer 1. The quick response from the USA showed that they were NOT GOING TO BACK DOWN to the USSR.

  • July 29 that year, NASA was established, with its purpose to SPEED UP SPACE EXPLORATION to catch up and possibly OVERTAKE USSR. With the founding of NASA, USA pumped BILLIONS OF DOLLARS into the science industry to produce scientists in the WEAPONS RESEARCH SECTOR.

  • Over the years, USA and USSR continued to develop more satellites and continue to advance in the field of astronomy. Both countries were more or less just "showing off" their accomplishments, so there was not much tension caused between them due to the Space Race.

  • However, in 1960, the Soviet's technology caught up with the U2 spy planes from the US Air Force, and the USSR managed to SHOOT DOWN one of the PLANES SPYING on USSR grounds, getting information on their missile base. This ANGERED KRUSHCHEV because in the PARIS SUMMIT in 1960 shortly after the event, although EISENHOWER ASSUMED RESPONSIBILITY for the U2 spy plane, he REFUSED to give an APOLOGY to Krushchev, and KRUSHCHEV WALKED OUT. This could probably be seen as the OMEN warning everyone about the CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS to come.

My views - The Space Race started off more for the purpose of scientific discovery, and although both parties were "racing" to be superior, there was not much friction between the 2 as they moved along, unlike in the Arms Race where each progress made them more intimidating to the other party. However, the 1960 U2 incident showed USA's clear distrust for USSR, and the refusal to apologize to Krushchev was a very bad move, because it was an expression of disrespect, and when Krushchev walked out on the Paris Summit, it was pretty clear that things were going to get worse between USA and USSR.

Thus I conclude that for this part of the Cold War development, USA was more at fault because what could have been a "peaceful" science exploration was turned into a problematic event, all because of USA sending the planes to spy on USSR, and Eisenhower refusing to apologise to Krushchev. If he was willing to put his personal and perhaps some national pride away and simply apologize, the situation would not have lead to a crisis. Therefore I believe that the USA was more at fault than the USSR at this point.

And the winner is........THE USA

Final Conclusion - Judging by the events that I have analysed, I believe that USSR was more at fault, the main reason being that USSR, as mentioned above, was always 'catching up' with the USA, and the USSR was the one who was always rivalling the USA, leading to the somewhat 'pointless struggle for power'. If USSR was willing to come to an agreement with USA and stop spreading communism, USA would probably have not pushed communism back and the crisis may never had happen. Although it is arguable that similarly it could have been USA that came to agreement instead of the USSR, but the USA was more or less the world's leading superpower for a long while, and to continue to help countries like the Marshall Plan and to build up on nuclear arms in the Arms Race was only 'natural'. Thus, to conclude the whole development of the Cold War, I believe that USSR was more at fault, because through the strings of events that happened, USSR was more of the root problem than the USA, and thus lead to the Cold War Crisis.

And the overall "Winner" is.......THE USSR!

With this, I have concluded my section of the project. I hope that these posts have helped you understand more about the cold war.

To end off, making the point never to play with nuclear weapons like in the Arms Race

Hao =)

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